Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today's Harvest!

Today I went out and got a great harvest from my garden!

LOTS of green beans, several summer scallop squash, three yellow zucchini, four tomatoes, five ears of corn (I could have pulled more probably), and my four walla walla onion, plus I cut some dahlias and hydrangeas. I just thought it looked so pretty all together!

I think most of my corn is finally harvestable! I've never grown corn, so I'm not sure how to tell it's ripe. But according to my mom, the tassles should be brown, and then she usually peaks to see if the corn looks developed. There are several ears out there on the bigger stalks (the ones I started indoors) that the husks on the corn have even started drying out, so I figured they were probably ready and picked five of those for us to have for dinner tonight. They were perfect! My whole famly loved them, and they are so much sweeter and crisper than when you buy them at the grocery store! Thought I am a little dissapointed that you only get one or two ears of corn per stalk! This summer I've been looking at a seed catalog (which my mom lost, so now I have to rememer which company it was for) that had a corn variaty that was multi-colored AND got 5-6 ears of corn per stalk! I think I will try that one next year.

My onions I really had no idea when to harvest them, and I guess with onions you can harvest them young and they taste just fine just smaller sized bulbs. I forgot to mark when I planted my onion starts, so I didn't know when the 110 day growing period was supposed to be up. But they had really just stopped growing (may be because kiddos kept ripping all their leaves off, the poor things), so I decided just to pull them up. One onion is HUGE! An awesome specimen of walla walla. The other three are just ok, one being really on the small side. This was a first time for onions as well, so it was a fun experiment! It will be fun to see if they taste sweet like walla wallas traditionally do when I go to use them!

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