Saturday, September 3, 2011

Veggie Pizza with Sorrel Sauce

I made this veggie pizza for myself tonight (made a more normal pizza for the rest of the family), and I thought it turned out the most delicious pizza I've ever tasted!

So this was after I had eaten one piece, and decided I just had to put it in here. It looks somewhat weird, but it tasted SO good!

The sauce I made with sorrel, which is a leafy green I discovered from my friend's farm this summer and absolutely love (and plan on growing next year!). It has a very strong lemony-taste and can be eaten both fresh or cooked. When you saute it, it "melts" into a sauce, which is fascinating! The whole leaf just kind of melts all apart. So for this pizza sauce, I sauteed some shallots in butter first, then added the sorrel leaves (with the stem parts removed - probably about ten medium-small leaves, they really melt down a lot) and sauteed that out until it was all melted down, then I poured in some heavy cream - just enough to make it a little thinner than I wanted, and then I simmered it for just a few minutes to thicken it up to be just the texture I wanted for my pizza.

Then I spread the sauce on the pizza, and topped it with sliced tomatoes and zucchini (the zucchini was sliced very thin) and covered it all with some parmasean cheese and mozzerella (I could have used more mozzerella, as you can see).

The sauce is what made the whole pizza! It was creamy and tangy, and complimented perfectly with the tomatoes and zucchini! I would have never thought before to put zucchini on a pizza (or sorrel for that matter) but it turned out spectatular! I shared a piece with my husband, and he said it was really good (this coming from a "I don't like veggies" guy). I definitely will be getting more sorrel from the farm this week and making this again (especially since I have TONS of tomatoes and zucchini coming out of my garden now!).

Now I just need to find a good gluten-free family sized pizza so I'm not having to do so many personal sized ones!

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