Friday, September 2, 2011

Garden Veggie Shepherd's Pie

Here's my on-the-fly version of a shepherd's pie kind of dish with my garden veggies:

(Ok, so I confess, those are ALL from my garden. Actually, only the green beans are. But those veggies COULD all be from my garden. I had some produce from a nearby farm that needing eating so those went in there instead. But I do have all the veggies in there growing in my garden, including the onion.)

All I did was put in chopped scallop squash, green beans, carrot, onion, and browned ground beef in a cassarole dish. I poured over that some chicken stock and cream, and added summer savory, salt, and pepper. Then I made up some biscuit dough (I'm gluten intollerant, so I use a gluten-free baking mix that is superb!) and dolloped that all on top. Then baked it at 350F (it might have been 375F) for about half an hour. The biscuits were nice and golden, though some of the veggies were still a little crisp, so it probably would have been better to cook on a lower temp for a little longer. But it was really yummy still! I was pretty proud of myself for being able to toss it all together, and even my husband said he really liked it. It's a keeper.

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