Friday, September 30, 2011

A long and tiring time...

So I have not posted in a long time due to my pregnancy starting to really take its toll on my energy level! I have not even been out in my garden very much this month. All those poor beans I picked just got sent to the compost pile, because I just did not have the energy to blanch and freeze them! And then I just haven't even picked any beans after that! I even have a bowl full of tomatoes in my fridge right now that desperately need to be frozen. There is just a lot that needs to be done that hasen't been. I am getting some things done, but not as much as there is to do. *sigh* I didn't think quite far enough ahead when I decided to grow a full-blown garden this year. I have been learning a lot this year, though, so it's not a total loss. And we did get to eat quite a bit of the stuff from the garden, epsecially earlier in the season when I had more energy and it was exciting that things were starting to grow! I am glad for all the things I have been learning and am excited for next year to be able to do things even better (and hopefully with a lot more energy!) One idea I am getting really excited about for next year is to have a farm stand out in front of our house. I just kept thinking it was a shame to be composting so much of our garden's produce, and then I decided woudln't it be fun if I could try to sell some of it! And with a little more structure of the space out there, I could easily have plenty of plants growing lots of produce to sell! We'll see where I am next year but I am very excited to try out this idea.

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