Friday, September 30, 2011

And they all came tumbling down

The other day I looked out my window, and much to my non-astonishment discovered a tragic sight.

Those pole beans finally did in the plastic posts I had attempted to support them with. Since I haven't been able to be using the beans anyway, and it's near the end of the season, I just pulled them all out, poles, twine, and all. It never ceases to astound me how much these pole beans just keep GROWING! And I still have the beans in my planter (on the right in this pic) so I am not lacking in beans after pulling these suckers out. (I am really hoping to get some seeds out of the beans still in there, but the weather is turning yucky real fast so I'm a little worried).

Next year we are most definitely doing something different with these beanies. I have thought about growing them against my house, but I think it does not get enough sun for beans. I have also debated about growing them up a part of my fence. The back fence would be ideal since it is chain-link, but our yard is quite large (three-quarters of an acre large) and I had a hard enough time getting out to pick the beans when they were right next to my house. I also may grow them up the fence behind my flower bed which is just off my house, and I know they'd get plenty of sun there. The only catch is that I would have to put some netting or fencing against the fence for them to grow up since it is a wood slat fence. And then there is my original idea of building a wood frame, which would look very attractive and still may be my method of choice but does require the most effort of the three.

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