Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aphid Troubles Revisited

And update on my aphid issue. After many attempts to simply hose off the stinker aphids that didn't work, I did indeed go out and buy a spray bottle and fill it with warm water and about a teaspoon of dish soap (I estimated). I sprayed the one pot of sweet peas quite heavily with the soapy water solution, and because I found a couple aphids had crept onto the neighboring sweet peas, I sprayed them as well, tho not quite as heavily. I did this for two days in a row after watering.

Well, it worked as far as killing the aphids! There are now no aphids in sight. However, I don't think the plants liked it very much either, because right after the second day of spraying, the plants in the pot that I had sprayed heavily started to yellow. It has been at least a week, and they still look somewhat sad:

It is only the pot that had been heavily infested with aphids that yellowed like this, so I don't know if it was from the damage the aphids had done and it just didn't show up until after I sprayed, or if it was from the spray itself, perhaps because I sprayed too heavily.

After I noticed this and could see that there were no more aphids, I made sure to rinse off all the plants thouroughly to make sure there was no more soapy residue (in case that was what was damaging them). They looked sad for quite a while, tho just in the past couple of days they look like they are starting to recover.

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