Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Sneaky Snipper Strikes Again

Today I woke up and let the dogs outside to discover this:


Somehow my son, who gets up a little before me, had found my garden scissors (which I had been working so hard to keep out of reach!) and snipped my beautiful tomato plants on our deck! Luckily these two guys were big enough that he couldn't snip them off at the stalk (tho snip marks on the stem say he tried) so instead he cut off most of the leaves! (I suppose I should be thankful he at least left the tomatoes on there.)

One poor pot got all its inhabitants totally snipped off! The poor tomato that had already gone through this once and was trying to recover, my nice basil plant and my ONLY blooming marigold that I had managed to grow from some very old seeds

And then he totally snippped off both my balsam flowers! This one especially had been growing beautifully! You can see the carnage littering the middle of the pot, that poor balsam.

That stinker sneaky snipper!

Now I have re-hidden the scissors and if I'm missing, you'll find me in the garden mourning.

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