Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Garden Warfare

So today I waged Garden Warefare...

Enemy #1: The Morning Glory
Assisting the MG was the sticker plant (it's true name is yet to be unearthed)
And just plain getting in the way was the wild blackberries! (note I said "wild" and not "native")

The warefare was intense. The MGs had taken over half of my flowerbed with the sitcker plants right behind them (or more correctly, underneath them). Luckily it was the half that was less cultivated, but the few plants that were in there were completely drowned underneath those bugger vines. I ripped out huge swaths of plant matter, with all sorts of other weeds tangled all with the MGs. Unfortunately there was some friendlies that were damaged in the crude battle, but all remained mostly intact and are hopefully on their way to a speedy recovery now that the MGs are out of the way.

I myself have some war wounds (namely a sore right hand and scratches up my arms), but it was well worth the effort. The fence behind the flowerbed is actually visable now! And all my poor little flower shrubs now have some breathing room. It's still pretty crude looking, since I was going for mass removal instead of delicate extractions but the flower bed already looks much better than it did.

Next plan of action: slug poisoning.

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