Monday, April 2, 2012

My First Lasagna Garden Bed!

Today I put together my very first Lasagna garden bed!

I used old fence boards to make a small, 5 x 4 foot grow box which will be one of six that will hold most of the veggies I am planning to grow this year. I have some leeks I started in the house I would like to get outside, so I am trying to throw together a grow box to put them in!

I put cardboard on the bottom, then paper bedding from my gerbils, then did a layers of peat moss, grass clippings, peat moss, dried leaves, green leaves, grass clippings, and a final thick layer of peat moss.

The box is still not as full as I would like it to be, but I'm short on things to fill it with right now, and since with leeks you "hill up" around them as they grow to promote a longer white part, I figure it will work to plant them in the box as it is now and then I can add more later.

I plan on getting some hay/horse manure from my parents house to help fill my boxes.

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