Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feruary's Seeds & The Newspaper Pot

This month I have a few seeds I'm trying to start. They consist of the seeds that I think will take the most time to reach maturity/harvestability.

Leeks and Chives both have a long period of time before maturity (as do most onions I'm finding) and then I have several flowers, including German Chamomile and some seeds gathered from my own perennial plants (of which I do not know the names). Last year I grew lots of flowers, like snapdragons, marigolds, and nasturtiums, but the snapdragons especially took FOREVER to grow! And then those snapdragons survived all winter out there (we even had a good week of lots of snow!). I can't find my snapdragon seeds (maybe I used them all up last year) but I am starting some other flowers early just in case.

Last year and this instead of buying seed flats (which I may still do later for my veggies) I am using a newpaper-pot maker. It's a small wooden two-piece contraption that you use to make little newspaper pots that then can have seeds grown in them and be transplanted straight into the ground. This really helps with the money side, and I feel good recycling newspaper instead of buying more plastic pots.

It's super simple to use and since I'm using newspaper that comes in the mail, it's like getting free pots! My mother gave me the pot maker, but I think they are not too pricey and will easily pay for themselves especially if you grow from seed instead of buying young plants.

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